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Part-Time Jobs in UAE: A Work-Life Harmony

Part-Time Jobs in UAE: A Work-Life Harmony

In today’s work environment, businesses and employees alike are seeking ways to balance productivity with flexibility. Amidst evolving work trends, a particular employment arrangement has gained prominence: it is the part-time job.

Part-time jobs typically allow businesses to hire employees on a part-time basis. This means these employees work fewer hours or days compared to full-time employees but can still be an integral part of the workforce. This can offer flexibility for both employer and employee.

An employee who wishes to have a part-time job has to apply to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE), which is the entity that governs the issuance of part-time job permits. With this permit, an employee can work full-time in one company and part-time in another simultaneously under certain conditions and controls.

The part-time job is well defined and regulated in UAE under Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021 on the Regulation of Labour Relations, “Law No. 33,” and Cabinet Resolution No. 1 of 2022 on the Implementation of Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021 Regarding the Regulation of Labour Relations, “Resolution No. 1.”

Article 7 of Law No. 33 provides a definition of part-time employment. According to this article, a part-time job is characterized by working for one or more employers for a specific number of hours or days designated for work. This definition outlines that part-time work involves a limited amount of work time compared to full-time employment, which typically involves a more extensive number of hours or days. Further, Articles 5 and 6 of Resolution No. 1 refer to the part-time employment contract and its related permit by stating that establishments registered with the MOHRE are allowed to employ workers under part-time contracts where the workers’ hours or days are fewer than those of full-time employees. Additionally, such a permit often allows the worker to be employed by multiple employers, provided they obtain the necessary approval or permits from the MOHRE.

Also, Article 8 of Law No. 33 refers to legal provisions that outline the conditions and requirements for labour contracts. Such provisions generally address the fundamental aspects that need to be included in a labour contract to ensure it is valid and enforceable, such as employment details, remuneration, contract term, renewal of contract… etc.

Further, Article 29 of Law No. 33 and Article 18 of Resolution No. 1 describe the entitlements of part-time employees in relation to annual leave, indicating that part-time employees are entitled to annual leave based on the actual number of hours they work. This means their leave is proportional to their working hours compared to full-time employees. Furthermore, the Implementing Regulation of Law No. 33 provides the exact details and mechanisms for calculating this leave.

Resolution No. 1 also addresses end-of-service benefits, as Article 30 provides guidance on calculating end-of-service benefits for part-time employees, taking into account their contracted annual working hours. This ensures that even part-time employees receive fair compensation relative to their employment. However, temporary employees who have been employed for less than one year typically do not qualify for end-of-service benefits.

In general, employees must adhere to specific regulations and requirements to work part-time in the UAE. As per the latest guidelines, we will highlight the essential requirements for a part-time work permit in the following paragraph.

Applicants to part-time jobs must be over 18 years old and hold a valid residence visa, whereas tourist visa holders are not eligible. The applicant’s profession must align with the activity of the relevant establishment, which must have a valid license and no violations that could lead to the suspension of its activity. The permit request must be submitted by the legally authorized signatory of the targeted establishment. No objection letter from the current employer.  All skill levels and professions can apply, provided they meet the service’s specific conditions and controls.

Part-time jobs offer various benefits that adapt to multiple needs and life stages, ultimately providing a foundation for greater flexibility and personal growth. These jobs enable individuals to effectively balance their professional duties with personal commitments, including family responsibilities and personal projects, which can enhance job satisfaction. By working fewer hours, employees are likely to experience less workplace stress, thus contributing to a more favourable work-life balance and encouraging better mental and physical health.

Additionally, part-time roles allow individuals to pursue further education or training, earning an income while simultaneously advancing their skill sets. This arrangement is also advantageous for those contemplating a change in careers or industries; it offers the chance to gain relevant experience and ease into a new field without the immediate pressures usually associated with such transitions.

Part-time work can smooth the transition from full-time employment for individuals approaching retirement, providing an avenue to stay professionally engaged without the full-time commitment. This kind of employment not only serves as a source of additional income but also enriches an individual’s professional résumé. Part-time positions contribute valuable skills and experiences that enhance career prospects, making it an excellent strategy for professional and personal advancement.

Both employees and employers need to stay updated with the latest regulations from the MOHRE and other relevant UAE authorities, as policies can change.

In conclusion, part-time jobs in the UAE represent a vital and flexible work arrangement that not only meets diverse employee needs across various life stages but also adheres to comprehensive regulatory standards established by MOHRE. By allowing employees to work fewer hours or days, part-time employment enhances work-life balance, reduces job-related stress, and offers the opportunity for personal and professional growth. Furthermore, the detailed legislative framework under Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021 ensures that part-time workers are given proper recognition and rights proportionate to their contributions, including annual leave and end-of-service benefits. This regulatory environment not only protects but also encourages a dynamic workforce capable of adapting to various personal circumstances and career ambitions. Therefore, for those seeking flexibility with job security in the UAE, part-time employment presents an optimal solution, effectively harmonizing professional commitments with personal life, thereby supporting a healthier, more productive society.

The author of this article is Senior Associate, Aeeda Ibrahim. For more information on this topic or Galadari’s employment practice more broadly, please contact Aeeda using the following contact info:


Aeeda Ibrahim
Senior Associate
E: [email protected]